Human Lentiviral sgRNA Library - Kinases
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CRISPR-iScreen™ Library Plasmid
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Human Lentiviral sgRNA Library - Kinases

Human Lentiviral sgRNA Library - Kinases

Catalog# LIBR-H036-P100 LIBR-H036-P200 LIBR-H036-P500

Size 100ug 200ug 500ug


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The CRISPR knockout library targets 507 human kinase genes with a total of 5,070 knockout plasmid vectors, of which 10 different gRNA vectors are designed for each gene, in addition to 100 control vectors targeting intergenic sequences. The library uses YCS-LV003 as the backbone, which is a single-plasmid system that expresses both gRNA and Cas9 gene and can be used directly.
Product Name
Human Lentiviral sgRNA Library - Kinases
Library Type
Knockout Library
Plasmid System
Single-plasmid System
Virus Packaging System
3rd Lentivirus Packaging System
Targeted Genes
gRNA Number
Non-targeting gRNA Number
Selection Marker
CRISPR iScreen™ Product Strength
  • 35+ Libraries
    100+ Cas9 cell lines for screening
    35+ Library types in stock, fulfilling different research needs Cas9 cells with high activity, good cell condition, easily accelerate CRISPR library construction.
  • Plasmid
    Coverage>99%, uniformity<10
    The use of self-developed library specific competent cell makes it easier to capture exogenous DNA, with high transformation efficiency and low mutation risk.
  • Cell Pool
    Coverage rate up to 99%
    Exclusive cell pool preparation process can achieve large-scale and standardized production of library cell pool, achieving fewer differences between batches and high repeatability.
How to ensure the sgRNA coverage during library plasmid amplification?
To ensure appropriate coverage of sgRNA during library plasmid amplification, high-efficiency electrocompetent cells should be used for plasmid transformation via electroporation. Additionally, the number of colonies should exceed 300 times the number of sgRNAs (number of colonies > sgRNA count * 300) to effectively ensure that the coverage of the amplified plasmid sgRNAs is not affected.
How to change the antibiotic resistance of library plasmids?
Unlike conventional plasmid antibiotic resistance modification, library plasmid modification cannot be done directly using the library plasmid, as this would result in significant loss of sgRNA sequences. To change the antibiotic resistance of the library plasmid, the backbone of the library plasmid must be modified first, and then the sgRNA sequences are integrated into the modified backbone through homologous recombination.
How to detect the coverage and uniformity of sgRNA in library plasmids?
The coverage and uniformity of sgRNA in library plasmids need to be assessed by NGS sequencing. Specifically, primers should be designed at both ends of the sgRNA sequences, and high-fidelity enzymes should be used to amplify the library plasmids; the resulting amplification products are then subjected to NGS sequencing and analysis.
What is the fragment size for PCR amplification of library plasmids?
Currently, the sequencing method mainly uses PE150, which refers to paired-end sequencing of 150 bp read length, resulting in a total read length of 300 bp. To ensure that sgRNA information can be identified, it is advisable not to exceed a PCR amplification fragment size of 300 bp.
Can library plasmids be directly used to construct library cells?
Library plasmids cannot be directly used to construct library cells. When library plasmids are transfected into cells via transient transfection, the sgRNA sequences cannot integrate into the genome; despite various gene editing occurring in the cells, the remaining sgRNA sequences within the cells cannot be detected through NGS sequencing.

Related Service Recommendation

CRISPR Library Screen Service
Provides one-stop solutions for CRISPR-KO, CRISPRa, CRISPRi library screen from high-throughput sgRNA library construction, virus packaging, cell infection, drug screening, NGS sequencing to data analysis, etc. Various deliverables fulfill different research needs.
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Human Lentiviral sgRNA Library - Kinases

Human Lentiviral sgRNA Library - Kinases

Catalog# LIBR-H036-P100 LIBR-H036-P200 LIBR-H036-P500

Size 100ug 200ug 500ug


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The CRISPR knockout library targets 507 human kinase genes with a total of 5,070 knockout plasmid vectors, of which 10 different gRNA vectors are designed for each gene, in addition to 100 control vectors targeting intergenic sequences. The library uses YCS-LV003 as the backbone, which is a single-plasmid system that expresses both gRNA and Cas9 gene and can be used directly.
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Product Information

Product Name
Human Lentiviral sgRNA Library - Kinases
Library Type
Knockout Library
Plasmid System
Single-plasmid System
Virus Packaging System
3rd Lentivirus Packaging System
Targeted Genes
gRNA Number
Non-targeting gRNA Number
CRISPR iScreen™ Product Strength
  • 35+ Libraries
    100+ Cas9 cell lines for screening
    35+ Library types in stock, fulfilling different research needs Cas9 cells with high activity, good cell condition, easily accelerate CRISPR library construction.
  • Plasmid
    Coverage>99%, uniformity<10
    The use of self-developed library specific competent cell makes it easier to capture exogenous DNA, with high transformation efficiency and low mutation risk.
  • Cell Pool
    Coverage rate up to 99%
    Exclusive cell pool preparation process can achieve large-scale and standardized production of library cell pool, achieving fewer differences between batches and high repeatability.
How to ensure the sgRNA coverage during library plasmid amplification?
To ensure appropriate coverage of sgRNA during library plasmid amplification, high-efficiency electrocompetent cells should be used for plasmid transformation via electroporation. Additionally, the number of colonies should exceed 300 times the number of sgRNAs (number of colonies > sgRNA count * 300) to effectively ensure that the coverage of the amplified plasmid sgRNAs is not affected.
How to change the antibiotic resistance of library plasmids?
Unlike conventional plasmid antibiotic resistance modification, library plasmid modification cannot be done directly using the library plasmid, as this would result in significant loss of sgRNA sequences. To change the antibiotic resistance of the library plasmid, the backbone of the library plasmid must be modified first, and then the sgRNA sequences are integrated into the modified backbone through homologous recombination.
How to detect the coverage and uniformity of sgRNA in library plasmids?
The coverage and uniformity of sgRNA in library plasmids need to be assessed by NGS sequencing. Specifically, primers should be designed at both ends of the sgRNA sequences, and high-fidelity enzymes should be used to amplify the library plasmids; the resulting amplification products are then subjected to NGS sequencing and analysis.
What is the fragment size for PCR amplification of library plasmids?
Currently, the sequencing method mainly uses PE150, which refers to paired-end sequencing of 150 bp read length, resulting in a total read length of 300 bp. To ensure that sgRNA information can be identified, it is advisable not to exceed a PCR amplification fragment size of 300 bp.
Can library plasmids be directly used to construct library cells?
Library plasmids cannot be directly used to construct library cells. When library plasmids are transfected into cells via transient transfection, the sgRNA sequences cannot integrate into the genome; despite various gene editing occurring in the cells, the remaining sgRNA sequences within the cells cannot be detected through NGS sequencing.
Related Service Recommendation
CRISPR Library Screen Service
Provides one-stop solutions for CRISPR-KO, CRISPRa, CRISPRi library screen from high-throughput sgRNA library construction, virus packaging, cell infection, drug screening, NGS sequencing to data analysis, etc. Various deliverables fulfill different research needs.
Learn More >


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